
How to Do Amazon Competitor Research

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How to Do Amazon Competitor Research


To do Amazon competitor research, you can use several public sources of information to identify your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses. For instance, you can read competitor reviews online and analyze their product pages. You can also study their keywords and ad campaigns. You can even use reverse ASIN lookup tools to identify competitor product listings.


Competitive keyword analysis


Competitive keyword analysis is an important part of Amazon product listing optimization. It enables you to determine which keywords are trending or evergreen and which ones are not. This allows you to improve your product visibility and conversion rates.


Company atmosphere


The Company atmosphere of Amazon competitors is quite different from the culture found in most other companies. Instead of meeting for long hours in a cramped conference room, Amazon’s meetings are characterized by short, concise documents that summarize the company’s business decisions. This helps employees focus on resourceful information during meetings and improve clarity. Moreover, employees can contribute their views at any time during the discussion. In comparison, employees at other companies often wait until the end to contribute.




There are many ways to take advantage of Amazon’s competitive landscape. One way to get ahead is to do competitor research. Using tools like Jungle Scout‘s Amazon Sales Estimator will help you analyze how much potential profit you could make selling the same product as your competitor. This tool also helps you understand your competitor’s ad campaigns and advertising strategies. One way to capitalize on this data is by studying the keywords they are using.


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competitor keyword research


Short term and long term goals


Amazon has become an industry giant, and its success is not just down to its online presence. The company also has a keen understanding of the market and of customers. Its algorithms make purchases easy, and it uses data mining to keep track of individual preferences. As such, it has a unique competitive advantage when it comes to predicting future trends and technological advances. As such, Amazon can shape entire industries.


Product reviews


Product reviews can provide a wealth of information about a competitor’s product. You can read reviews to find out how the competitors rate your product and determine what to change in your listing. Also, keep an eye out for negative reviews of the competing product, which can serve as a powerful tool in your research.


Product Tracker


A product tracker is one of the most powerful tools for Amazon competitor research. With it, you can keep an eye on your competitors’ product sales, profits, and Best Seller Rank. You can also get insight on their advertising, packaging, and A+ content. These details will help you make better business decisions.


Reverse ASIN search


One of the best ways to perform keyword research on your competitors is to conduct a reverse ASIN search. This tool lets you find out which keywords they’re using to sell their products and which keywords they don’t. It can also show you which products are ranking high for a specific keyword.



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